Is aluminum powder harmful to the human body?

Publication time:2021-05-26 Page view:1054

      Once in the body, aluminum salts first accumulate in the brain, where they can cause brain damage and the severe memory loss characteristic of presenile acutosis. Researchers involved in the work say that experiments on mice show that they have measurable levels of aluminium in their brains after simply drinking a glass of aluminum-treated water. Studies in rats have found that tiny amounts of aluminum mixed with drinking water get into the brains of the rats and build up there. Researchers on the study of intelligent patients found that such patients in the brain 30% of the neocortex area of aluminum concentration is greater than 4 micrograms/g (dry weight), the patient brain neurons in the nucleus, aluminum content is 4 times as much as healthy people, up to 30 times. Aluminum powder



Researchers have thought that, if aluminium builds up in the brain over time, it kills neurons and causes memory loss. One scientist said: We have been drinking aluminum-contaminated water and eating aluminum-contaminated food all our lives, so that by the time we are very old, we have accumulated a lot of aluminum in our bodies. He points out that the incidence of presenile acuity has increased worldwide over the past 70 years. Aluminum is also used in food emulsifiers, he says. Aluminum can indirectly impair the activity of osteoblasts and thus inhibit the matrix decomposition of bone.

At the same time, the absorption of aluminum by digestion fragments leads to the addition of urinary calcium excretion and the lack of calcium in the human body. Aluminum in the human body from time to time to accumulate and stop physiological effects, but also can cause encephalopathy, bone disease, kidney disease and non-iron deficiency anemia. There are three main ways to avoid the harm of aluminum: one is to suggest that the city tap water enterprises in the spirit of myself to the people as the purport, do not use aluminum salt [such as aluminum potassium sulfate (KAI(SO4)2) as water purifier; two is to try not to aluminum products as cooking utensils; three is to eat less aluminum salt additives more food (such as fried dough sticks).

Aluminum is very toxic to humans and is also toxic to living things. Soluble aluminum compounds that are toxic to most animals, dissolved in acidic soil moisture, make it difficult for common crops to grow properly. Usually when dissolved aluminum reaches more than 10 to 20 parts per million, animals will show signs of aluminum toxicity.

Aluminum in soil can combine with soluble phosphate to form insoluble aluminum phosphate, resulting in lack of phosphorus and animal death. Aluminum also dehydrates the protoplasm of animal cells, which then destroys and dies. Aluminum binds to pectin in the cell wall, strengthens the cross structure of pectin, and hinders the absorption of water and nutrients. Aluminum is also closely associated with mineral nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus in animals. It can inhibit the absorption and accumulation of calcium and phosphorus in common animals, and also affect the absorption and accumulation of potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Aluminum is also toxic to aquatic plants. When the pH value is about 5, it accumulates in the fish gills in the shape of aluminum hydroxide, making it difficult for oxygen to enter the blood, and making the salt concentration imbalance in the fish body, resulting in death of the fish.

The toxic concentration of aluminum to aquatic plants is usually more than 70 MCG/l. The addition of aluminum content in water will lead to the condensation of a small amount of inorganic matter, resulting in the death of aquatic plants due to the lack of nutrients. Aluminum can precipitate phosphorus and seriously threaten the reproduction of aquatic plants.